Being a Chief Minister, I have released several books but releasing my mother’s biography written by my sister is a different experience altogether. I, along with all my brothers and sister declare with one voice that we are all proud to be her children.
We were all brought up by my mother in a godly way. We were taught to read our Bible, pray in the morning and evening, go to Church regularly and we were taught all the values of life. Because of my pious mother’s upbringing, we have learnt discipline, hard-working nature, humble nature, concern for fellow human beings, generosity and leadership qualities.
We were all dependent on her prayers till the end. She prayed hard for me to become the C.M. She prayed while I was walking throughout the state in the hot burning sun and I am sure she is still praying for all of us at the Lord’s feet.
I wish all the readers a lot of blessings from the Lord.